Do Eggs Cause Constipation? Facts and Myths.
Our content is not intended nor recommended as a substitute for medical advice by your doctor. Use for informational purposes only.
Eggs are low in fiber. However, eating eggs in moderation is constipation. You don’t have to cut eggs if you have constipation. Just mix eggs with foods rich in fiber. However, eating too many eggs with a low-fiber diet can aggravate constipation.
1- Fact: Eggs are very low in fiber.
According to the USD. A (to the United States Department of Agriculture) food data Central, Eggs have less than 0.75% fiber content.
Foods that are low in fiber are known to cause constipation. However, This happens when you exclusively eat eggs.
A minimum amount of 25 grams of fiber per day for females and 38 g for males is required for healthy bowel movements.
You can obtain the amount of fiber in your diet while you eat eggs.
2- Myth: eggs cause constipation.
Although eggs are a low-fiber diet, eating eggs in moderation doesn’t cause constipation. According to a large study (involving 2776 patients with constipation), eating eggs wasn’t related to the development of constipation.
Eating eggs in moderation (1-4 per day) is not associated with an increased risk of constipation. However, you should obtain your dietary fiber needs through a balanced diet containing fibers such as:
- Whole grains.
- Apples and pears.
- Kiwi fruits.
- Figs.
- Citrus fruits.
- Prunes and prune juice.
- Spinach and other greens.
- Beans, peas, and lentils.
- Vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, and sweetcorn.
- Nuts and seeds.
3- Fact: Unbalanced diet can cause constipation (with or without eggs).
Constipation is usually caused by the interplay of multiple factors, such as:
- Poor lifestyles such as lack of activity and sedentary life.
- Some people are predisposed (chronic idiopathic constipation and IBS with constipation).
- Dietary factors such as a low-fiber diet and a lack of good hydration.
- Medications.
- Stress and anxiety.
- Some neurological diseases.
The point is to look at the whole scene. Don’t overestimate the role of diet in constipation.
However, constipation can occur if eating eggs is part of an unbalanced diet with a low daily amount of fiber.
4- Myth: hard-boiled and scrambled eggs have different effects on constipation.
Hard-boiled, scrambled, and egg omelets share the same fundamental constituents. So, their effect on constipation is the same. Both hard-boiled, scrambled eggs and omelets don’t cause constipation if consumed in moderation with a high-fiber diet.
No scientific evidence supports that raw eggs, fried eggs, quail eggs, nor pickled eggs cause constipation. You can eat them safely if you have your daily fiber requirements.
But note that adding too much-saturated fats to eggs or eating eggs with lots of sausage or dairy products can induce constipation. This is because consuming large amounts of multiple low-fiber foods can end in constipation.
5- A special concern about eggs in babies and pets.
Eating eggs in babies (especially babies younger than two years) can lead to constipation. This is because a single egg can form an entire meal. Don’t feed your baby too many eggs at the expense of fibers.
The same issues go with small-sized pets; too many eggs at the expense of fiber can lead to constipation.
Eggs don’t cause constipation in pets and babies. Too many eggs can easily cause constipation due to their smaller size and needs.
6- Why shouldn’t you stop Eggs with constipation and IBS constipation?
As long as you mix your eggs with a source of fiber, No need to cut them out. Also, eggs may carry too many health benefits (ref):
- They are low in FODMAP. So, They are Ok to eat with people with IBS, including those with IBS-C.
- Rich in high-quality protein and nutrients.
- They raise the levels of “good” cholesterol, The HDL cholesterol.
- One boiled egg contains:
- 40% of your daily vitamin D requirements
- 25% of your daily Folate requirement.
- 20% of your daily selenium requirement.
- Also, eggs contain vitamins B2, B12, B5, A, iron, iodine, and phosphorus.
- Evidence-based
- Written by a doctor.

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